
Your inside news on record retrieval for legal firms - plus business tips to help scale your practice.

Close Cases Faster with iCopy’s Innovative Record Retrieval System

Close Cases Faster with iCopy’s Innovative Record Retrieval System

November 09, 20203 min read

Law firms have their hands full with all manner of tasks and responsibilities. Whether it’s complicated record retrieval, unpredictable timelines, tight deadlines, or anxious clients, keeping track of every case’s specifics can often feel like an uphill battle.

But it shouldn’t have to be that way.

It’s Time to Improve Your Legal Document Management Strategy

Record retrieval and management are some of the most crucial tasks handled by a law firm. Your team will need as much information as possible to properly handle each case that crosses their desk, which means they’re going to need to request specific documents. But far too often, the process of ordering the documents they need is overly involved, archaic, and unreliable. 

It’s no surprise, then, that most lawyers only get to spend about two hours on billable tasks a day. 

iCopy wants to help your firm close cases faster, cut back on time spent on non-billable chores, and optimize the way it handles legal document strategy. Here are a few of the benefits you’ll find from working with iCopy’s Nimbus record retrieval system:

Fast Record Retrieval

The days of tedious order forms are no more. With Nimbus, you can easily upload pre-existing documents (like HIPAA authorizations and service lists, for example) without the need to key in all the pertinent data—iCopy’s team of professionals will take care of that for you. We even have priority alerts (that you can customize so you’re never notified of something you don’t want to be notified about) that will let you know when a record you’ve requested is ready for you. 

And if you need a specific document right now, we also provide instant downloads that can get you the records you need in two clicks. 

User-Friendly Interface

iCopy’s Nimbus platform is designed to save time, which is why we meticulously optimized our user interface to guarantee that it was as simple, easy, and intuitive to use as possible.

A few of the features designed with the user experience in mind include:

  • Nimbus Search™ provides users with a highly responsive search system capable of filtering results in real-time regardless of how much info you have on hand. Only have a case name? No problem; Nimbus Search™ can use it to track down the file number, plaintiff, and location of pertinent documents.

  • Custom reporting tools can run status reports in real-time, so you never have to waste time scrolling through records you don’t need. And since our reporting tool is built into the Nimbus dashboard, you won’t have to look elsewhere for it.

  • Communication is essential in every context, especially when it comes to law firm case management. That’s why iCopy’s record retrieval software has direct messaging capabilities, so you have consistent, easy access to our customer service team whenever and wherever you need us. 

Hands-On Service

As optimized as a law firm document management or record retrieval software may be, it’s no replacement for top-notch customer service. You deserve to work with record retrieval companies that are always available to provide in-depth service and assistance to any user who needs it. If you encounter any obstacle that prevents you from accessing the record you need, just reach out to our team, and we’ll resolve the situation.  

Instead of jumping through multiple hoops to access records for one of the many cases you’re handling, iCopy’s Nimbus platform can get you the information you need, when you need it, without any unnecessary hassle. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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